Jumat, 25 November 2011

Is Superbus the future of public transport?

(CNN) -- Richard Branson loves it, says Wubbo Ockels, former astronaut and creator of the super-fast, super-long Superbus.
And he's not the only one.
"We've had interest from Las Vegas. We also had interest from Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the Netherlands," Ockels said.
The 15 meter-long (50 feet) Superbus is a new spin on public transport that aims to match the speed and comfort of a train while offering the flexibility and convenience of the car.
It has a top speed of 250 kph (155 mph) and Ockels envisions it running on a dedicated highway. But it's not just high-speed transport from A to B, Ockels says -- the Superbus can also use normal roads at normal speeds.
Public transport has to be exciting. You want to say,'well, I have a car but today I'm going to take the Superbus instead.' 
Antonia Terzi, Superbus chief designer
What's more, it's powered by electricity, which was central to the vision of its chief designer Antonia Terzi.
"What inspired me was the concept that it was a sustainable, new type of transport," Terzi said.
"Public transport has to be exciting. You want to say 'well, I have a car but today I'm going to take the Superbus instead,'" she added.
A former Formula One aerodynamicist, Terzi has incorporated hydraulic cylinders in the design so that the car can sit just 7cm off the ground when traveling at high speed, rising to a height of 43cm when it uses normal roads in towns and cities.
Rear-wheel steering helps the Superbus achieve a 24-meter turning circle, going easily around a roundabout, says Terzi.
After taking a ride earlier this month, 61-year-old Branson commented on his blog that he thinks the Superbus could take on the train business one day, matching it for speed while trumping its convenience by dropping commuters off at their front door.
Ockels says he wanted to create something sexy, and something that makes you feel powerful when you are inside, but most of all something that could compete with the car.
He hopes to have the vehicle on the roads within five years.

The way to speed up rail travel?

speed up rail
London (CNN) -- A designer has come up with a unique and futuristic solution for speeding up rail travel: he doesn't want to change the engines, or the tracks -- he wants to get rid of the stations.
Determined to take rail transport into the 21st century, Paul Priestman, director of British design group Priestmangoode, is the man behind the "Moving Platforms" concept, which he believes could potentially revolutionize the rail industry.
His scheme would see travelers served by a carousel of trams and high-speed trains that would take passengers from their homes to their destinations without them ever having to use a bus, car or taxi.

Revolutionizing rail travel
"The idea with Moving Platforms is that ... if you were going on holiday or on business for instance, you could get onto a tram on your street and then seamlessly travel from that onto the high-speed line and then get off at your destination in another city, then onto a tram and then end up at your destination without ever having gone in your car or perhaps got on a bus," says Priestman.
"It's totally integrated into a sort of larger transport system," he adds.
The idea is to have a city-wide network of trams that travel in a loop and connect with a high-speed rail service.
The trams speed up and the high-speed train slows down and they join, so they dock at high speed.Paul Priestman
But instead of passengers having to get off the tram at a rail station and wait for the next HSR service to arrive, the moving tram would "dock" with a moving train, allowing passengers to cross between tram and train without either vehicle ever stopping.
"The trams speed up and the high-speed train slows down and they join, so they dock at high speed," explains Priestman.
"They stay docked for the same amount of time that it would stop at a station," he adds.
"There are big doors, there are wide doors, they're all the same level so you can seamlessly go between the two vehicles quite peacefully; there's no hurry.
"Then, when everyone's done that, the doors shut and then the trains separate and the tram then goes back into the city or town and picks up more passengers and drops off passengers."
Instead of using paper tickets to pass through a barrier, passengers would used an RFID (radio-frequency identification) system to transfer from tram to train. Similar systems that let passengers scan pre-paid smartcards are already used on many public transport networks.
While Priestman admits that it will be some time before his vision could be implemented, he says the time has come to rethink how we travel.
"This idea is a far-future thought but wouldn't it be brilliant to just re-evaluate and just re-think the whole process?" he says.


Checkpoint of the future

(CNN) -- After the EU's announcement that it will ban "backscatter" x-ray body scanners, airports may have to look harder at alternative security measures. From Bluetooth tracking to thermal lie-detector cameras, we take a glimpse into the weird and wonderful future of airport security.
The check-point of the future
Earlier this year, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) demonstrated its vision for the "checkpoint of the future" -- a series of neon-lit tunnels, each equipped with an array of eye-scanners, x-ray machines, and metal and liquid detectors.
Heralding an end to "one size fits all screening," the association says that passengers will be assigned a "travel profile" and ushered into one of three corridors accordingly.
"Known Travelers," (those who have completed background checks with government authorities) for instance, will cruise through the light blue security corridor with little more than an ID check, while those guided through the yellow "Enhanced" corridor will be subjected to an array of iris scans and sensitive contraband detectors.
Although still at the proof of concept stage, the IATA is hoping to have these colorful checkpoints installed in airports within the next five to seven years.
Thermal lie detection
Feeling guilty? Got something to hide? A team of UK-based researchers claim to have developed a thermal lie-detection camera that can automatically spot a burning conscience.
The system could be used during customs interviews and at passport control to check whether people entering the country are giving a true account of themselves.
The thermal-imaging camera captures variations in facial temperature in response to questioning. "When someone is making something up on the spot, brain activity usually changes and you can detect this through the thermal camera," said professor Hassan Ugail, who leads the research.
At present, the UK's Home Office and HM Revenue & Customs are sponsoring the system's development, but will not reveal the name of the airport where it's being tested.

Bluetooth passenger tracking

Finland's largest airport is harnessing the tracking potential of a device already carried by most passengers: their mobile phones.
The new system at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport monitors Bluetooth signals to examine passenger movement around the terminal, and uses this information to predict waiting times in front of the security gate.
For now, the technology is simply helping airport operators with crowd management at busy periods, while providing "opted-in" passengers with accurate waiting-time estimates, lit-up in front of them on flight information display screens.
Further down the line, Amor Group -- which developed the technology -- says that the system could track any passenger as soon as they enter the car park or bus station and, in time, be used to create "passenger profiles" -- detailing the behavior of individuals to create "targeted retail activity and process optimization."

Professor Byeong-chun Lee, who established his reputation in 2005 as the driving force behind the world's first ever dog clone, has bought a new breed of super-sniffers to South Korea's Incheon Airport.
They may look like an ordinary pack of golden Labrador Retrievers, but these dogs are all genetically identical to "Chase," a dog whose legendary snout kept him top of Incheon's drug-detection rankings right up until his retirement in 2007.
While, on average, only three out of 10 selectively bred sniffer dogs trained by the airport's security staff have the nostrils for the job, every single one of the new clone recruits have made the grade -- providing Incheon with one of the world's most formidable teams of drug detectors.
But it's not just contraband smugglers who should fear the arrival of this sniffing super-breed. Lee's next clone will be a high-performance "quarantine dog" -- gifted with an enhanced capacity for detecting the presence of disease in humans.
Behavioral Detection Officers

In the United States, the Transport Security Administration (TSA) is not just relying on fancy gadgets and genetically enhanced nostrils to improve security: it's turning to good old-fashioned human instinct.
Behavioural Detection Officers (BDOs) have been trained to engage passengers in casual conversation in an effort to weed out suspicious behavior.
According to the TSA, the pilot scheme aims to stimulate the "involuntary physical and physiological reactions" that people display when they are fearful of being discovered.
BDOs are currently operating at approximately 161 airports nationwide. So next time an airport official starts talking about the unseasonably good weather, chances are they think you've got something to hide.

Kamis, 24 November 2011


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Jangan membuat deskripsi yang terlalu panjang karena yang dibaca google maksimal hanya 160 karakter.

Jangan lupa kasih comment y ...tolong !!


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jangan lupa kasih comment y,,,comment merupakan nyawa dari blog ini gan...tolong y!!

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Rabu, 23 November 2011

Popularitas Smart Phone Munculkan Ancaman Baru

JAKARTA - Pertumbuhan pasar ponsel pintar dan tablet makin menggila. Mulai dari kalangan pebisnis sampai kalangan pelajar, sebagian besar terjangkit tren gadget multifungsi tersebut. Ini bukan tanpa resiko.

"Mulai tahun ini ada satu statistik dari CNN, PC user di seluruh dunia berjumlah sekira 80 juta, sedangkan smartphone user berjumlah sekira 105 juta. Ini berarti munculnya risiko keamanan baru," kata Gun Suk Ling, Director Corporate Sales for APAC, Kaspersky Lab, ditemui di Hotel Le Meridien, Jakarta, Rabu (23/11/2011).

Menurutnya, risiko keamanan baru muncul seiring dengan makin banyaknya pengguna ponsel pintar, karena belum tumbuhnya kewaspadaan akan kemungkinan serangan malware pada ponsel pintar.

Contohnya di dalam gadget berbasis Android, Peter M. Beardmore, Senior Director of Product Marketing Kaspersky Lab mengatakan, "Hanya dalam selang waktu 4 bulan, malware untuk Android telah meningkat 4 kali lipat."

Malware bisa saja bersembunyi di dalam gadget tersebut, sedangkan tren konsumerisme IT yang sedang terjadi belakangan telah mendongkrak jumlah pengguna gadget tersebut. Di antaranya, banyak juga yang menggunakan ponsel pintar dan tablet sebagai peranti kerja, termasuk menghubungkan gadget tersebut pada PC atau server perusahaan untuk mengakses data.

"Perusahaan perlu memperluas kebijakan keamanan IT mereka, sehingga dapat menjangkau seluruh titik, termasuk smartphone dan tablet," terang Gun Suk Ling.

Saat ini tiap 1 Detik Muncul 1 Malware Baru

JAKARTA - Kejahatan dunia maya berkembang seiring dengan majunya teknologi informasi. Malware dan software sistem keamanan seolah berlomba untuk menumbuhkan inovasi masing-masing. Di tengah maraknya sistem komputasi awan belakangan ini, nampaknya mengharuskan antivirus turut mengadopsinya.

Ketika ditemui di Hotel Le Meridien, Jakarta, Rabu (23/11/2011), Gun Suk Ling, Director Corporate Sales for APAC, Kaspersky Lab mengatakan, "Pada tahun 2007, ada 5 malware baru muncul setiap 2 menit. Pada tahun 2011, ada 1 malware muncul setiap 1,2 detik."

Salah satu perusahaan security software terbesar dunia ini, saat ini tengah meluncurkan solusi terbarunya untuk menghadapi masalah tersebut. Sistem keamanan yang disebut sebagai Kaspersky Endpoint 8 & Security Centre 9 besutannya, mengadopsi sistem cloud ke dalam database virus Kaspersky.

"Kami melakukan riset, bicara pada pelanggan dan industri, menanyakan apa masalah yang mendasar dan menyusun apa yang bisa kami lakukan. Kami melihat malware semakin bervariasi dan jadi makin berbahaya," terang Peter M. Beardmore, Senior Director of Product Marketing Kaspersky Lab.

"Produk ini terhubung dengan database keamanan Kaspersky dan menggunakan sistem cloud," tambahnya.

Dengan sistem keamanan yang terhubung pada cloud, Peter mengatakan, pengguna akan memperoleh manfaat dari pengumpulan informasi secara real time, penambahan sekira 1.000.000 file yang setiap hari, dan sekira 50 juta pengguna lain yang terintegrasi dalam sistem tersebut.

"Kami bisa membantu mereka mengidentifikasi malware dalam waktu yang relatif singkat," kata Peter.

Pebisnis Lebih Pilih iPhone Ketimbang BlackBerry

CALIFORNIA - Survei baru mengungkapkan, jika kini iPhone berhasil mengalahkan BlackBerry untuk menjadi ponsel utama yang dipakai oleh pebisnis guna menunjang kelancaran bisnis mereka.

Sebelumnya BlackBerry terkenal sebagai ponsel pilihan bagi para komunitas bisnis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis mereka. Namun, menurut iPass Survei, hal tersebut sekarang sudah tidak berlaku lagi.

iPass telah melakukan survei pada 2.300 pekerja di lebih dari 1.100 perusahaan di seluruh dunia. Hasil dari survei tersebut menunjukan, 45 persen dari mereka lebih memilih menggunakan iPhone untuk menunjang kegiatan bisnis mereka, sedangkan 32,2 persen masih memilih untuk menggunakan BlackBerry.

Padahal tahun lalu, BlackBerry masih sedikit unggul di depan iPhone dengan persentase 34,5 persen untuk BlackBerry dan 31,1 persen dipegang iPhone. Demikian seperti dikuti Digital Trend, Jumat (18/11/2011).

Di tempat ketiga tentunya ada smartphone Android dengan persentase 21,3 persen pebisnis yang mengatakan lebih suka menggunakan ponsel dengan sistem operasi besutan Google untuk mempermudah kegiatan bisnis mereka.

Jika Research in Motion (RIM) berani mengeluarkan sistem operasi terbarunya dalam waktu dekat, mungkin akan meningkatkan keinginan pebisnis untuk kembali menggunakan BlackBerry, setidaknya bisa naik 2,3 persen. BBX kemungkinan besar akan jadi nama baru OS BlackBerry selanjutnya yang direncanakan meluncur pada Juni 2012, tapi RIM belum mengeluarkan pengumuman resmi mengenai hal itu.

Dengan hasil yang dikeluarkan oleh iPass ini, jelas membuat Apple bangga, karena saat ini menjadi ponsel utama yang dipilih pebisnis untuk menunjang kelancaran bisnis merek

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